Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dear Interwebs,

I am a big fan of yours, really. But I have two essays, and a German test in less than 24 hours. Almost 23 hours and 11 minutes, to be exact. And I love to use you for inspiration for my beginning paragraphs, but really, this is getting pathetic. Please let me get back to work.

Thanks and have a beautiful day,


I am knitting a multitude of things. 
I am knitting a tea cozy from Debbie Stoller's book.
That book is kind of awesome. All of her books are. They have really good projects and instructions.

I am also knitting a skull illusion scarf, courtesy of ravelry.
and some other things, a clutch, stuff like that.

I don't have a camera, which isn't very rad. But I can't complain, I own a laptop in which it talk about not having a camera.

I had coffee instead of tea today. I need more actually. Coffee that is.

And I weeped today. Over the stresses of wanting good grades, over Patrick being a weenie, over just being emotional. Over my back hurting really freaking bad. And then it rained. And I totally thought, "when it rains it pours," even though that was the lamest thing that I could ever dare say.

And like... Also. I am in the middle of writing the beginning paragraph for my essay on some damn books. And this is inspiring me, along with other blogs about creation.

I have been listening to Don't Panic by Coldplay since three, btw. Especially since it took like, and hour to get almost 50 for my book back.

But I am better, I swear. Writing it down takes the grim from it, and makes things seem more... not as bad.
And I am alive, so I can't complain, huh?